English 11

Course Content

It’s often said that English 11 and 12 are the two most important courses within the overall English language curriculum. Not only do students need to pass 11 and 12 in order to secure high school graduation, but for those looking to further their education at university, passes are a necessity. 

English 11 builds upon the content and lessons learnt in English 10 and encourages students to engage in critical thinking and reasoning.

This part of the course is generally considered as preparation for both the English 12 course and the Grade 12 Literacy Provincial Assessment and presents the perfect opportunity for students to improve and refine their vocabulary and grammar skills.

The key areas of focus are:

Reading and comprehension: in preparation for the exams, students will learn how to read passages and then answer a combination of multiple-choice and written questions on set topics. They will be encouraged to form opinions and work out how to ascertain inferred information from the text.

Writing: will involve preparing short-form essays, using the correct grammar and longer relevant sentences, as well as presenting in an articulate, reasoned manner. Students will learn how to join relevant sentences using conjunctions, succinctly summarize sentences, and make comparisons between the subject or topics in the text.

How CanStar Can Help You

Our teachers work hard to ensure that students achieve a good score for graduation, as well as prepare them for the necessary requirements of their post-secondary studies.

Contact us today for one-on-one and small group tutoring for English 11.

Can-Star Academy